(I am compelled to share the message of Col. Duggal of Dehra Dun because of its content when institutions are being maligned and hatred is fanned between various communities.)

“I really don’t like either conducting or attending online workshops. They are stressful and irritating and feel unnatural. ( I think most teachers will probably agree).  

“But I am actually glad I did an online workshop today. It was on mental health and emotional wellness for high school students from the Jamia Senior Secondary University school (affiliated to Jamia Millia). I have interacted with hundreds and thousands of kids over the decades, but THESE kids surprised me! — They were some of the brightest, smartest, most alert, responsive and eager-to-learn young people I have interacted with in a long time. 

“I don’t talk about the religion of the students I teach, but I will today. These young people were from poor Muslim families. Their parents are fruit vendors and the like, but these kids spoke brilliant English and were bright, receptive, responsive and eager to learn! They gave back so much energy and were truly a delight to talk to.

“Many of them spoke very honestly about their anxiety and depression, and we had a long and detailed discussion about staying mentally and emotionally resilient in terrible times.

“What I wasn’t quite prepared for, though, was how many of them said how terrifying it is to grow up as a Muslim in today’s India. They said, “What do we do about the political climate where we are made to feel guilty and defensive about our very existence as Muslims?” 

“How do you even begin to answer that question? THIS is what we have become? A country where bright, intelligent, well-behaved kids who are struggling to rise beyond their circumstances are afraid for their lives? THIS is the India we want? Really? 

“After listening to a number of them, I finally said (and it was much more halting than it reads here): 

“First of all, it is not your fault that you are feeling this way. You are being MADE to feel this way and it’s WRONG! Every Indian has a fundamental, Constitutionally-guaranteed right to be treated equally, fairly and with dignity. 

“Secondly, there are many many of us who disagree with the politics of hate and division. Please know we stand with you. Thirdly, this is your country as much as it is everyone else’s. Fourth, and this is a tough call, “do not be overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Fifth, please focus on your circle of influence. What can you do every day to live your best life and help others? Please focus on that.  Sixth, don’t stop studying. Keep learning. Keep reading. And seven, please know this bad time will pass.”

“(Like I said, it wasn’t near that coherent but those were the main points more or less.) God bless their teachers who have given them a way to rise above their circumstances and move forward in life. I wish these young people the very best and hope to interact with them again.

“It is abhorrent that KIDS are being made to feel this way. It needs to stop. And we need to do what we can to stop it.”