People, sometimes, come on the spiritual path with a motive. They think once they get on it, all their problems would end. They don’t always. Sometimes, they increase manifold.

When you begin to meditate, clarity develops. It results in seeing things as they are. It forces you to take decisions. How long would you keep avoiding or postponing that depends on you?

Your conscience would rebel against you until you do. Of course, this can happen, now, next week, next month, years later or in next lifetime or after several lifetimes. It all depends on your will power. The weaker it is, more time it would take.

Once you learn to take a decision, you will also learn to accept its consequence. In the long run, decisions will flow out of you, irrespective of their consequences like the river. Doesn’t water flow down always or spread if there is no slope? It is never worried about running into a rock or a boulder. It flows on and on. If it comes across any obstacle, it makes it way around it. Or it starts to accumulate near it to go over or around it. It follows the course set by it in earlier times.

Unlike the river, humans can change their course or so called destiny. Would they? )